Gays and ak kua
A very funny chat I had with a friend about gays and ak kua. Below is our conversation
friend says:
LLH from anta
I says:
that one is ak kua lar
friend says:
he got fired from anta .. cos harrasing student lah
I says:
gay and ak kua different lar
I says:
I says:
how come
friend says:
u say leh ..
I says:
walau eh??
friend says:
my fren oso victim
I says:
the one in MMM de right?? ak kua one? with glasses?
friend says:
I says:
he harras guys ah?
friend says:
friend says:
of cos lah
I says:
friend says:
i'm not sure ..
I says:
touch guys'private part?
I says:
or carrassing guys?
friend says:
i donno lah ..
friend says:
jus know he got fired cos of this nia
I says:
u didnt ask... haizz....
friend says:
ask who? ask LLH ah?
I says:
then he go there do what ler?
friend says:
I says:
ask the victim lar...
I says:
interview them
friend says:
business development
that's our topic of today. gays and ak kua. i would like to define the differences between the two.
gays: guys who like guys. who are into guys only, girls that get naked infront of them, their "brother" won't "wake up". They are crazy of Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Orlando Bloom, Colin farell etc. BUT, they still want to be man.
ak kua: guys who thinks they are girls. They are just stuck at a man body. They want to become woman, have boobs, get pregnant. They want to chop off their "bird" and change into a hole and get that "bird" to go stay in their hole. And they like guys too.

Brad Pitt in dress.
excuse me, I need to puke. Give me a minute.
I rather look at Johnny Depp's in Edward scissorhands look

ahhhhh......That's better.
gays or ak kua, they are just bastards that want to snatch the getting extinct species call guys from us girls. ak kua get bigger boobs they our tiny NATURAL boobs. (man! I have no idea why guys love boobs that are bigger then the size of their head, I bet dying in boobs is the best way to die.)
they will touch and squeezes guys bumps if they see some hot guys. They will even touch their chess, caress their arms, admiring their strong armsthat can hold them tight.
I need to puke again.
uwekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! wekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!! blekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!
give me another sec. wekkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not prejudice at gay, gay are fine with me. Leslie Chueng, Elton john, George Michael. But if guys start getting intimate with another guys... I'll start puking.
ak kua that are pretty are still acceptable. But ak kua that are still very "manly" are causing me
I remember the time, we have this sign at the toilet door of the college "NO GIRLISH BOY ALLOWED IN THE GIRLS TOILET" to prevent ak kua from using the girls toilet.
weeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!! I remember the very gross ak kua in college.
ok, I can't continue on, I need to puke now. We'll talk about this another time.
note: names and place names has been change toprotect myself from getting sue personal privacy
friend says:
LLH from anta
I says:
that one is ak kua lar
friend says:
he got fired from anta .. cos harrasing student lah
I says:
gay and ak kua different lar
I says:
I says:
how come
friend says:
u say leh ..
I says:
walau eh??
friend says:
my fren oso victim
I says:
the one in MMM de right?? ak kua one? with glasses?
friend says:
I says:
he harras guys ah?
friend says:
friend says:
of cos lah
I says:
friend says:
i'm not sure ..
I says:
touch guys'private part?
I says:
or carrassing guys?
friend says:
i donno lah ..
friend says:
jus know he got fired cos of this nia
I says:
u didnt ask... haizz....
friend says:
ask who? ask LLH ah?
I says:
then he go there do what ler?
friend says:
I says:
ask the victim lar...
I says:
interview them
friend says:
business development
that's our topic of today. gays and ak kua. i would like to define the differences between the two.
gays: guys who like guys. who are into guys only, girls that get naked infront of them, their "brother" won't "wake up". They are crazy of Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Orlando Bloom, Colin farell etc. BUT, they still want to be man.
ak kua: guys who thinks they are girls. They are just stuck at a man body. They want to become woman, have boobs, get pregnant. They want to chop off their "bird" and change into a hole and get that "bird" to go stay in their hole. And they like guys too.

Brad Pitt in dress.
excuse me, I need to puke. Give me a minute.
I rather look at Johnny Depp's in Edward scissorhands look

ahhhhh......That's better.
gays or ak kua, they are just bastards that want to snatch the getting extinct species call guys from us girls. ak kua get bigger boobs they our tiny NATURAL boobs. (man! I have no idea why guys love boobs that are bigger then the size of their head, I bet dying in boobs is the best way to die.)
they will touch and squeezes guys bumps if they see some hot guys. They will even touch their chess, caress their arms, admiring their strong arms
I need to puke again.
uwekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! wekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!! blekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!
give me another sec. wekkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not prejudice at gay, gay are fine with me. Leslie Chueng, Elton john, George Michael. But if guys start getting intimate with another guys... I'll start puking.
ak kua that are pretty are still acceptable. But ak kua that are still very "manly" are causing me
I remember the time, we have this sign at the toilet door of the college "NO GIRLISH BOY ALLOWED IN THE GIRLS TOILET" to prevent ak kua from using the girls toilet.
weeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!! I remember the very gross ak kua in college.
ok, I can't continue on, I need to puke now. We'll talk about this another time.
note: names and place names has been change to
0 bastard got drunk:
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