how i welcome my first moment of 2006
warning: whatever you are going to read is extremly boring, please bring your pillows and blanket and if you have soft-toys, remember to hug them while you read. in case you fall asleep, do not blame me.
i can discribe my last moment of 2005 and first moment of 2006 in really short:
1. leave home at 11.30 31/12/2005
2. reach trivillion mall.
3. cheer for 2006.
4. reach grappa at 12.30am 1/1/2006
5.reach earthquake at 1.30am 1/1/2006
6.reach home at 2.30am 1/1/2006
woah!!! i heard u say. go 3 place, so happening ah?well, let me make you feel bad because i feel bad about myself. here's a more complecated version.
leave home.
reach trivillion mall.
look for someone.
shake hands, welome 2006.
wondering around.
calling others, looking for people again.
go to grappa.
walk around at soho.
stand between grappa and soho.
meet some people, shake handsand pretend to be happy and smile at them
waiting for someone else again.
went over to earthquake.
because some idiotswho mistaken celebrating new year is to get too drunk and were fighting at each others so we stand outside of the place and wait for someone else again.
go home.
yeah, i know, how this spell.
B. O. R. I. N. G.
let, me tell you more. i was wearing a 3 inch high heels, a very low cut v-neck dress and i was wordering around the place and standing in between pubs. i feel worst then a prostitute because my legs were aching like hell and i was bored till death.
i am a complain freak and here's my complain. here what really really really happen.
we reach trivillion and start looking for someone by walking trough the really crouded place. shaking hands of people i dont knowand dont give a damn while pretending to be happy and smile all the way. Trivillion was having this street party and everyone was cheering and dancing and having a great time. i don't know why, but this must a tradition for "kuching-knights", call and look for their friends whenever they reach pubs and discos, shouting "where are you?" when you know he/she is in the place. can't they just look for their own fun then look for more friends and squeeze at a tiny table and sharing 4 cans of beers among 10 people? their idea is to be the more the marrier(1st, save cost on all the liqour because soomeone has paid it and they can just jump into the table and court girls. 2 or 3 person cannot have fun because they have to share the cost of the liqour.
and at midnight, there were these balloons "falling down" from the celling and lots of people were bursting the balloons to get the tiny number that's hidding in the balloons. there were aunties and babies in the crowd too. well, one thing for sure, you can "found" your friends in the crowd because everyone "happen" to be there.
then, there is this friend of a friend at grappa and they call one of the guys to go over to the place. so we went over. the whole place was so crowded so we stuck at the shop between soho and grappa, chatting with friends and do the "kuching shuffle" (dancing by road side). and then, wait for a friend of a friend again. and after waiting for that friend, waiting for another friend of a friend.
i can't stand girls who "shake" hands by just touching your hand only. if this is how you "shake" hand, then don't even show your handbecause your hand is so precious, you can't shake it or there will be wrinkles. who the fucking hell do you think you are? oops, sorry, you are the queen of kucing ah? (yeap, cats! i purposely spell it this way) soli soli.
at the end of the day, what i have was, wait for people, standingaround like a prostitute, shake hands, waiting for more people, standing by the road side, and go home.
my last day of 2005 and 1st day of 2006, i didn't touch any alcohol!suprise? i am an angel you know?
i can discribe my last moment of 2005 and first moment of 2006 in really short:
1. leave home at 11.30 31/12/2005
2. reach trivillion mall.
3. cheer for 2006.
4. reach grappa at 12.30am 1/1/2006
5.reach earthquake at 1.30am 1/1/2006
6.reach home at 2.30am 1/1/2006
woah!!! i heard u say. go 3 place, so happening ah?
leave home.
reach trivillion mall.
look for someone.
shake hands, welome 2006.
wondering around.
calling others, looking for people again.
go to grappa.
walk around at soho.
stand between grappa and soho.
meet some people, shake hands
waiting for someone else again.
went over to earthquake.
because some idiots
go home.
yeah, i know, how this spell.
B. O. R. I. N. G.
let, me tell you more. i was wearing a 3 inch high heels, a very low cut v-neck dress and i was wordering around the place and standing in between pubs.
we reach trivillion and start looking for someone by walking trough the really crouded place. shaking hands of people i dont know
and at midnight, there were these balloons "falling down" from the celling and lots of people were bursting the balloons to get the tiny number that's hidding in the balloons. there were aunties and babies in the crowd too. well, one thing for sure, you can "found" your friends in the crowd because everyone "happen" to be there.
then, there is this friend of a friend at grappa and they call one of the guys to go over to the place. so we went over. the whole place was so crowded so we stuck at the shop between soho and grappa, chatting with friends and do the "kuching shuffle" (dancing by road side). and then, wait for a friend of a friend again. and after waiting for that friend, waiting for another friend of a friend.
i can't stand girls who "shake" hands by just touching your hand only. if this is how you "shake" hand, then don't even show your hand
at the end of the day, what i have was, wait for people, standing
my last day of 2005 and 1st day of 2006, i didn't touch any alcohol!suprise? i am an angel you know?
1 bastard got drunk:
At 11:53 PM,
tiny_sharky said…
. . . . . .
myou've just made my day
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