mencari cinta (searching for love)

Watched this
BUT, this show started with 9 guys all going for 1 girl. I repeat - NINE GUYS COURTING THE SAME ONE SINGLE GIRL.
it's like the game "THE SIMS" where u get your "people" to make friends with your neighbor, fall in love, get married, inherit his/her property. But... But... THIS IS REAL LIFE! You can't create a game show, get 9 guys to court one girl, and the grand prize is that girl! What the fark! And the guys are so pathetic. So eager to court that girl, when eliminated will have this very sad face walking away.
I saw one episode. It's totally a real life version of dating game. They give the guys RM1000, 2hrs to select a full outfit for the girl. And the winning price is a date in the museum. And have the girl's family visit the last 3 contestant family to have an afternoon get-together. Get to interview the mother, sister, father, brother, what they think of the opposite party. And over that week, they a private evening with the girl.

I played the sims before. Where I have to get my character to go shopping, buy stuff, get to know the girl, hang out with her, send her gifts, bring her out, please her, know what she likes and don't like and when u get to have her to be your girlfriend, u win the game! and this is totally the same as the game show!
I should have watch the last episode, know which pathetic guy won the game and married her. and obviously, that girl is farking high maintenance, being pleased by 9 guys at the same time and settle down with one? Hmmmm... That is interesting....
I watched apprentice last night, with the last episode and with the "why-should-i-employ-you?" question. I bet mencari cinta's last episode will have the girl asking the last two guys "why-should-I-marry-you" question. Imagine the guys reply "oh, i have 2 condo's, 1 Benz, 2 BMWs, a RM1Million saving account, and most important of all, I love you. But if you don't love me, nevermind, all i wanted is to win this game and you can buy all the prada, gucci, LV you like. "
and I though I live in a Muslim country which doesn't even allow people to kissing and hugging in public.
0 bastard got drunk:
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